List of Holy Grail synonyms and Holy Grail related words.
Agnus Dei, Host, Pieta, Sanctus bell, Sangraal, ark, asperger, asperges, aspergillum, bambino, beadroll, beads, candle, censer, chaplet, ciborium, cross, crucifix, cruet, eucharistial, holy cross, holy water, holy-water sprinkler, icon, incensory, matzo, menorah, mezuzah, mikvah, monstrance, osculatory, ostensorium, paschal candle, pax, phylacteries, prayer shawl, prayer wheel, pyx, relics, rood, rosary, sacramental, sacred relics, sacring bell, shofar, sukkah, tabernacle, tallith, thurible, urceole, veronica, vigil light, votive candle