List of Marxist synonyms and Marxist related words.
Bolshevik, Bolshevist, Bolshie, Carbonarist, Carbonaro, Castroist, Castroite, Charley, Communist, Communist sympathizer, Cong, Fabian, Fabian socialist, Fenian, Fourierist, Guevarist, Jacobin, Jacobinic, Leninist, Maoist, Marxian, Marxist-Leninist, Mau-Mau, Owenite, Puritan, Red, Red Republican, Roundhead, Saint-Simonian, Sinn Feiner, Stalinist, Titoist, Trotskyist, Trotskyite, VC, Vietcong, Yankee, Yankee Doodle, agin the government, anarch, anarchic, anarchist, atomistic, avowed Communist, bolshie, bonnet rouge, collectivist, commie, commonsense, commonsense philosopher, communistic, criminal syndicalist, dialectical materialist, epistemological realist, fellow traveler, hylomorphous, hylotheistic, materialist, materialistic, mechanist, mechanistic, natural realist, naturalist, naturalistic, phalansterian, physicist, positivist, positivistic, realist, realistic, rebel, red, revisionist, revolutionary, revolutionary junta, revolutioner, revolutionist, revolutionizer, sans-culotte, sans-culottic, sans-culottish, sans-culottist, socialist, state socialist, subversive, syndicalist, terrorist, utopian socialist