List of Satan synonyms and Satan related words.
Aides, Aidoneus, Ananias, Apollyon, Baron Munchausen, Beelzebub, Cerberus, Charon, Cora, Despoina, Dis, Dis pater, Erebus, Father of Lies, Hades, Hel, His Satanic Majesty, Kore, Loki, Lucifer, Mephistopheles, Minos, Old Nick, Old Scratch, Orcus, Osiris, Persephassa, Persephone, Pluto, Proserpina, Proserpine, Rhadamanthus, Satanas, Sir John Mandeville, consummate liar, deuce, devil-god, diablo, dirty liar, equivocator, fabricator, fabulist, fallen angel, false witness, falsifier, fibber, fibster, fiend, habitual liar, liar, mythomaniac, palterer, pathological liar, perjurer, prevaricator, pseudologist, pseudologue, serpent, spinner of yarns, storyteller, the Adversary, the Arch-fiend, the Common Enemy, the Demon, the Devil, the Devil Incarnate, the Evil One, the Evil Spirit, the Fiend, the Foul Fiend, the Old Enemy, the Old Serpent, the Tempter, the Wicked One, the archenemy, the serpent, viper, yarn spinner, yarner