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Yom Kippur synonyms and Yom Kippur related words

Synonyms -> Yom Kippur synonyms

List of Yom Kippur synonyms and Yom Kippur related words.

Day of Atonement, Fast of Av, Feast of Tabernacles, Feast of Weeks, Hanukkah, High Holy Days, Lent, New Year, Ninth of Av, Passover, Pentecost, Pesach, Purim, Quadragesima, Ramadan, Rosh Hashanah, Shabuoth, Simhath Torah, Sukkoth, asceticism, cold purgatorial fires, fast day, fasting, flagellation, hair shirt, jour maigre, lustration, maceration, mortification, penance, penitence, penitential act, penitential exercise, purgation, purgatory, repentance, sackcloth and ashes