List of absorb synonyms and absorb related words.
ablate, absorb the attention, adsorb, appreciate, apprehend, appropriate, arrest, assimilate, be with one, bleed white, blot, blot up, burn up, buy up, catch, catch on, catch up in, charm, chemisorb, chemosorb, come uppermost, comprehend, conceive, concern, consume, corner, deplete, dig, digest, drain, drain of resources, draw in, drink, drink in, drink up, eat, eat up, embarrass, embody, enchant, engage, engage the attention, engage the mind, engage the thoughts, engross, engross the mind, engross the thoughts, enmesh, entangle, enthrall, erode, exercise, exhaust, expend, fascinate, fathom, fill the mind, filter in, finish, finish off, follow, get, get hold of, get the drift, get the idea, get the picture, gobble, gobble up, grab, grasp, grip, have, have it taped, hold, hold spellbound, hold the interest, hypnotize, imbibe, imbue, immerse, implicate, impoverish, impregnate, incorporate, infiltrate, infuse, ingest, interest, involve, involve the interest, ken, know, learn, master, mesmerize, metabolize, monopolize, monopolize the thoughts, obsess, obsess the mind, occupy, occupy the attention, occupy the mind, osmose, percolate in, permeate, predigest, preoccupy, read, realize, savvy, seep in, seize, seize the meaning, seize the mind, sense, sew up, slurp up, soak in, soak up, sorb, spellbind, spend, sponge, squander, suck dry, suck into, swallow, swallow up, swill up, take, take in, take up, tangle, understand, use up, waste away, wear away