List of abstract synonyms and abstract related words.
abate, abbreviate, abbreviation, abbreviature, abrade, abrege, abridge, abridgment, abstract idea, abstraction, abstruse, academic, altarpiece, and, annex, apocope, appropriate, arcane, armchair, bag, bate, bland, block print, bob, boil down, boost, borrow, breviary, brief, broad, capsule, capsulize, cast off, cast out, chuck, clear, clear away, clear out, clear the decks, clip, collage, collective, color print, colorless, compend, compress, compression, conceptual, condensation, condense, condensed version, conjectural, conspectus, contract, cop, copy, crib, crop, curtail, curtailment, cut, cut back, cut down, cut off short, cut out, cut short, cyclorama, daub, decrease, deduct, deep, defraud, deport, depreciate, derogate, detached, detract, digest, diminish, diptych, disconnect, disengage, disinterested, disparage, dispassionate, dispose of, dissociate, divide, dock, draft, drain, eat away, eject, elide, eliminate, elision, ellipsis, embezzle, engraving, epitome, epitomize, eradicate, erode, esoteric, essence, exile, expatriate, expel, extort, extract, featureless, filch, file away, foreshorten, foreshortening, fresco, general, generalized, generic, get quit of, get rid of, get shut of, head, hidden, hook, hypothetic, hypothetical, icon, ideal, ideational, illumination, illustration, image, impair, impersonal, impractical, indefinite, indeterminate, intellectual, leach, lessen, lift, likeness, liquidate, make off with, metaphysical, miniature, montage, moot, mosaic, mow, mural, nebulous, neutral, nip, nonspecific, notional, occult, outlaw, outline, overview, palm, pandect, panorama, part, photograph, pick out, picture, pilfer, pinch, poach, poker-faced, poll, pollard, postulatory, precis, print, profound, prune, purge, purify, purloin, reap, recap, recapitulate, recapitulation, recondite, reduce, reduction, refine, remove, representation, reproduction, resume, retrench, retrenchment, review, root out, root up, rub away, rubric, run away with, rustle, scrounge, secret, separate, shave, shear, shoplift, shorten, shortened version, shortening, skeleton, sketch, snare, snatch, snitch, snub, speculative, stained glass window, steal, stencil, still life, strike off, strike out, stunt, subduct, subtract, sum up, summarize, summary, summation, survey, swindle, swipe, syllabus, symbolic, syncope, synopsis, synopsize, tableau, take, take away, take from, take in, tapestry, telescope, telescoping, theoretical, thieve, thin, thin out, throw over, throw overboard, thumbnail sketch, topical outline, transcendent, transcendental, trim, triptych, truncate, truncation, unapplied, uncharacterized, uncouple, undemonstrable, undifferentiated, unpractical, unspecified, utopian, vague, visionary, walk off with, wall painting, wear away, weed, weed out, wide, withdraw