List of acknowledged synonyms and acknowledged related words.
accepted, admitted, affirmed, allowed, approved, authenticated, avowed, being done, certified, comme il faut, conceded, confessed, confirmed, conformable, conventional, correct, countersigned, customary, de rigueur, decent, decorous, endorsed, established, fixed, folk, formal, granted, hallowed, handed down, heroic, hoary, immemorial, inveterate, legendary, long-established, long-standing, meet, mythological, notarized, of long standing, of the folk, oral, orthodox, prescriptive, professed, proper, ratified, received, recognized, right, rooted, sealed, seemly, signed, stamped, sworn and affirmed, sworn to, time-honored, traditional, tried and true, true-blue, understood, underwritten, unwritten, validated, venerable, warranted, worshipful