List of adjunct synonyms and adjunct related words.
accession, accessory, accident, accidental, accord, accretion, addendum, addition, adjunction, adornment, affairs, affiliation, affinity, affix, affixation, agglutination, aggrandizement, alliance, ally, ampliation, amplification, annexation, appanage, appendage, appendix, approximation, appurtenance, arrangement, aspect, assemblage, associate, association, attachment, attendant, augmentation, auxiliary, bedfellow, bond, broadening, brother, brother-in-arms, circumstance, closeness, coadjutor, cohort, collateral, colleague, color, color patterns, combination, companion, compatriot, compeer, component, comrade, concomitant, confederate, confrere, connectedness, connection, consociate, consort, constituent, contents, contiguity, contingency, contingent, contrariety, corollary, crescendo, crony, cross section, dealings, decor, decoration, deduction, deployment, detachment, detail, disjunction, dispersion, division, dole, elaboration, element, embellishment, emblazonment, emblazonry, embroidery, enlargement, expansion, extension, extra, factor, fanning out, feature, fellow, fellow member, filiation, fixings, fixture, flare, flourish, flower arrangement, fraction, furniture arrangement, garnish, garnishment, garniture, happenstance, hiking, homology, illumination, incidental, increase, inessential, ingredient, installment, integrant, intercourse, intimacy, item, joining, junction, juxtaposition, liaison, link, linkage, linking, magnification, makings, mere chance, mutual attraction, nearness, nonessential, not-self, ornament, ornamentation, other, parcel, part, part and parcel, particular, percentage, portion, prefixation, propinquity, proximity, quadrant, quarter, quota, raising, random sample, rapport, reinforcement, relatedness, relation, relations, relationship, remainder, sample, sampling, secondary, section, sector, segment, share, similarity, specialty, splay, spread, spreading, subdivision, subgroup, subsidiary, subspecies, suffixation, superaddition, superfetation, superjunction, superposition, supplement, supplementation, sympathy, tie, tie-in, trim, trimming, unessential, union, uniting, upping, widening, window dressing