List of affiliate synonyms and affiliate related words.
Americanize, Anglicize, Greek, accept, acculturate, acculturize, act in concert, act together, admit, adopt, affiliate to, affiliate with, affiliated, allied, ally, amalgamate, approve, arm, assimilate, associate, associated, band, band together, be in cahoots, be in league, belonger, bound, bracketed, branch, branch office, brother, bunch, bunch up, cabal, cabalistic, card-carrier, card-carrying member, cardholder, carry, cement a union, centralize, chapter, charter member, club, club together, clubber, clubman, clubwoman, coact, coalesce, collaborate, collateral, collude, combine, come into, come together, committeeman, comrade, concert, concord, concur, confederate, confederated, confer citizenship, conjugate, connected, consociate, consolidate, conspiratorial, conspire, conventioneer, conventioner, conventionist, cooperate, corporate, correlated, couple, coupled, creep in, derive from, division, do business with, dues-paying member, embrace, enleagued, enlist, enlistee, enroll, enrollee, enter, espouse, father, federalize, federate, federated, fellow, filiate to, fraternity man, fuse, gang, gang up, get heads together, get into, get together, go in for, go in partners, go in partnership, go into, go native, go partners, guildsman, hang together, harmonize, hold together, honorary member, hook up, hook up with, implicated, in cahoots, in league, in partnership, in with, initiate, insider, interlinked, interlocked, interrelated, involved, join, join forces, join fortunes with, join in, join together, join up, join up with, join with, joined, joiner, keep together, knotted, league, league together, league with, leagued, life member, linked, local, lodge, make common cause, married, marry, member, merge, naturalize, of that ilk, of that kind, offshoot, one of us, organ, organize, pair, pair off, paired, parallel, partner, partners with, pass, play ball, pledge, post, pull together, put heads together, ratify, reciprocate, related, sign on, sign up, sister, sneak in, socius, sorority girl, sorority woman, spliced, stand together, stand up with, take out membership, take up, take up membership, team up, team up with, team with, teamed, throw in together, throw in with, tie in, tie in with, tie up, tie up with, tied, trace to, twinned, unionize, unite, unite efforts, unite with, wed, wedded, wing, work together, yoked