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afforestation synonyms and afforestation related words

Synonyms -> afforestation synonyms

List of afforestation synonyms and afforestation related words.

Christmas tree farming, arboretum, arboriculture, boondocks, bush, bushveld, chase, climax forest, cloud forest, dendrology, forest, forest land, forest management, forest preserve, forestation, forestry, fringing forest, gallery forest, greenwood, hanger, index forest, jungle, jungles, logging, lumbering, national forest, palmetto barrens, park, park forest, pine barrens, primeval forest, protection forest, rain forest, reforestation, scrub, scrubland, selection forest, shrubland, silviculture, sprout forest, stand of timber, state forest, timber, timberland, tree farming, tree veld, virgin forest, wildwood, wood, woodcraft, woodland, woods