List of aficionado synonyms and aficionado related words.
Maecenas, abettor, admirer, advocate, amateur, angel, apologist, attender, audience, authority, backer, buff, bug, champion, connoisseur, crank, critic, defender, dependence, devotee, dilettante, encourager, endorser, energumen, enthusiast, expert, exponent, fan, fanatic, fanatico, favorer, freak, frequenter, friend at court, habitue, haunter, infatuate, lover, lunatic fringe, mainstay, maintainer, monomaniac, nut, paranymph, partisan, patron, promoter, protagonist, pundit, reliance, savant, scholar, second, seconder, sectary, sider, specialist, spectator, sponsor, stalwart, standby, support, supporter, sustainer, sympathizer, technical expert, technician, theatergoer, upholder, visitor, votary, well-wisher, zealot