List of aggrandized synonyms and aggrandized related words.
accelerated, amplified, apotheosized, augmented, awesome, ballyhooed, beatified, beefed-up, big, bloated, boosted, broadened, canonized, deepened, deified, disproportionate, elevated, eminent, enhanced, enlarged, ennobled, enshrined, enthroned, exaggerated, exalted, excellent, excessive, exorbitant, expanded, extended, extravagant, extreme, glorified, grand, grandiloquent, great, heightened, held in awe, high, high and mighty, high-flown, hiked, hyperbolic, immortal, immortalized, increased, inflated, inordinate, intensified, jazzed up, lofty, magnified, mighty, multiplied, overdone, overdrawn, overemphasized, overemphatic, overestimated, overgreat, overlarge, overpraised, oversold, overstated, overstressed, overwrought, prodigal, profuse, proliferated, puffed, raised, reinforced, sainted, sanctified, shrined, spread, stiffened, strengthened, stretched, sublime, supereminent, superlative, swollen, throned, tightened, touted, widened