List of agitator synonyms and agitator related words.
activist, agent provocateur, agitprop, beater, blender, brawler, catalyst, cement mixer, churn, crucible, demagogue, eggbeater, emulsifier, exciter, extremist, firebrand, fomenter, frondeur, incendiary, inciter, inflamer, instigator, insubordinate, insurgent, insurrectionary, insurrectionist, insurrecto, jiggler, malcontent, maverick, melting pot, mischief-maker, mixer, mover, mutineer, nonconformist, paddle, provocateur, provoker, rabble-rouser, rebel, revolter, revolutionary, revolutionist, ringleader, rioter, rouser, seditionary, seditionist, shaker, subversive, traitor, troublemaker, urger, vibrator, whisk