List of aim synonyms and aim related words.
address, affectation, aim at, ambition, angle, animus, aspiration, aspire, aspire after, aspire to, atmosphere, attempt, aura, azimuth, be after, be determined, bear, bearing, bend, bent, butt, by-end, by-purpose, cast, character, choose, complacency, concentrate, contemplate, counsel, course, covet, crave, current, descant, desideration, desideratum, design, desire, destination, destine, determination, determine, diapason, direct, direction, direction line, directionize, dispose, drift, drive at, effect, end, end in view, endeavor, essay, expect, feel, feeling, final cause, fix, fix on, fixed purpose, focus, function, game, go, go for, goal, harbor a design, have every intention, have in view, head, heading, helmsmanship, hold a heading, hold on, idea, idol, inclination, incline, intend, intendment, intent, intention, labor, lay, lead, level, level at, lie, line, line of direction, line of march, loftiness, lugs, mannerism, mark, mean, meaning, measure, melodia, melody, mind, mood, motive, navigation, nisus, object, object in mind, objective, orientation, ostentation, pant, piloting, plan, point, point at, point to, present, pretentiousness, prey, project, property, proposal, propose, prospectus, purport, purpose, pursuit, quality, quarry, quarter, quintain, range, reason for being, resolution, resolve, run, sake, seek, self-importance, semblance, set, show, sight on, steer, steerage, steering, strain, strive, striving, struggle, study, sweat, sweat blood, take aim, target, teleology, tend, tend to go, tendency, tenor, think, track, train, train upon, trend, try, tune, turn, turn upon, ultimate aim, urge, vainglory, vanity, verge, view, want, warble, way, will, wish, yearn for