List of allege synonyms and allege related words.
accuse, acknowledge, adduce, advance, affirm, announce, annunciate, argue, arraign, array, article, assert, assever, asseverate, attest, aver, avouch, avow, bear witness, book, bring accusation, bring charges, bring forward, bring on, bring to bear, bring to book, certify, charge, cite, claim, complain, contend, declare, denounce, denunciate, deploy, depone, depose, disclose, enunciate, express, fasten on, fasten upon, finger, give evidence, hang something on, have, hold, impeach, imply, impute, indict, inform against, inform on, insinuate, insist, issue a manifesto, lay, lay charges, lay down, lodge a complaint, lodge a plaint, maintain, manifesto, marshal, nuncupate, offer, pin on, plead, predicate, prefer charges, present, press charges, pretend, pretext, proclaim, produce, profess, pronounce, protest, protest too much, purport, put, put it, put on report, quote, rally, recite, recount, rehearse, relate, report, reproach, say, set down, speak, speak out, speak up, stand for, stand on, state, submit, swear, take to task, task, taunt with, tax, testify, twit, vouch, warrant, witness