List of alveolus synonyms and alveolus related words.
alveolar ridge, alveolation, antrum, apex, armpit, arytenoid cartilages, back, basin, blade, bowl, cavity, concave, concavity, crater, crypt, cup, dent, depression, dimple, dint, dip, dorsum, fold, follicle, funnel chest, furrow, gouge, hard palate, hole, hollow, hollow shell, honeycomb, impress, impression, imprint, indent, indentation, indention, indenture, lacuna, larynx, lips, nasal cavity, notch, oral cavity, palate, pharyngeal cavity, pharynx, pit, pock, pocket, pockmark, print, punch bowl, scoop, shell, sink, sinus, socket, soft palate, speech organ, sunken part, syrinx, teeth, teeth ridge, tip, tongue, trough, velum, vocal chink, vocal cords, vocal folds, vocal processes, voice box, vug