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amplification synonyms and amplification related words

Synonyms -> amplification synonyms

List of amplification synonyms and amplification related words.

access, accession, accomplishment, accretion, accrual, accruement, accumulation, addition, adjunct, advance, advancement, aggrandizement, aggravation, ampliation, annoyance, appreciation, ascent, augmentation, ballooning, ballyhoo, big talk, bilingual text, bloating, blossoming, blowing up, boom, boost, broadening, buildup, burlesque, caricature, clavis, contentiousness, crescendo, crib, decipherment, decoding, deepening, deliberate aggravation, deployment, deterioration, development, developmental change, dilatation, dilation, dispersion, edema, elaboration, elevation, embittering, embitterment, enhancement, enlargement, evolution, evolutionary change, evolvement, evolving, exacerbation, exaggerating, exaggeration, exasperation, excess, exorbitance, expansion, expatiation, explication, extension, extravagance, extreme, faithful translation, fanning out, flare, flood, flowering, free translation, furtherance, gain, gloss, glossary, gradual change, grandiloquence, greatening, growth, gush, heightening, hike, hiking, huckstering, hyperbole, hyperbolism, increase, increment, inflation, inordinacy, intensification, interlinear, interlinear translation, irritation, jump, key, leap, loose translation, magnification, maturation, metaphrase, mounting, multiplication, natural development, natural growth, nonviolent change, overemphasis, overestimation, overkill, overstatement, paraphrase, pony, prodigality, productiveness, profuseness, progress, progression, proliferation, provocation, puffery, puffing up, raise, raising, restatement, rewording, ripening, rise, sensationalism, sharpening, snowballing, souring, splay, spread, spreading, stretching, superlative, surge, swelling, tall talk, touting, transcription, translation, transliteration, travesty, trot, tumescence, unfolding, up, upping, upsurge, upswing, uptrend, upturn, waxing, widening, working-out, worsening