List of apercu synonyms and apercu related words.
a priori knowledge, abbreviation, abbreviature, abrege, abridgment, abstract, anticipation, article, brief, buddhi, capsule, causerie, clairvoyance, compend, condensation, condensed version, conspectus, descant, digest, direct apprehension, discourse, discussion, disquisition, dissertation, draft, epitome, essay, etude, examination, excursus, exposition, feature, first approach, head, homily, immediate cognition, insight, inspiration, introductory study, intuition, intuitionism, intuitive reason, intuitiveness, intuitivism, knowledge without thought, lucubration, memoir, monograph, morceau, note, outline, overview, pandect, paper, paragraph, piece, precis, precognition, preliminary study, prolegomenon, research paper, review, rubric, satori, screed, second sight, second-sightedness, shortened version, sixth sense, skeleton, sketch, special article, study, subconscious knowledge, subconscious perception, survey, syllabus, synopsis, term paper, theme, thesis, thumbnail sketch, topical outline, tract, tractate, treatise, treatment, unmediated perception