List of appease synonyms and appease related words.
abate, allay, alleviate, anesthetize, assuage, benumb, calm, calm down, cater to, coddle, compose, conciliate, content, cool, cradle, cushion, deaden, deaden the pain, defuse, diminish, dulcify, dull, ease, ease matters, even out, extenuate, feast, feed, foment, gentle, give relief, gloss over, gratify, hush, immolate before, lay, lay the dust, lessen, lull, make propitiation, make sacrifice to, mitigate, mollify, numb, offer sacrifice, pacify, pad, palliate, pamper, placate, poultice, pour balm into, pour balm on, pour oil on, propitiate, quell, quench, quiet, reduce, regale, relieve, rest, rock, rock to sleep, sacrifice, salve, sate, satiate, satisfy, slacken, slake, smooth, smooth down, smooth over, smoothen, soften, soothe, spoil, stabilize, steady, still, stupe, subdue, sweeten, tranquilize, whitewash