List of arcade synonyms and arcade related words.
access, aisle, alley, ambulatory, aperture, apse, arcature, arch, arched roof, archway, areaway, artery, atlas, avenue, breezeway, camber, caryatid, ceilinged roof, channel, cloister, colonnade, colonnette, column, communication, concameration, concha, conduit, connection, corridor, cove, covered way, cupola, defile, dome, exit, ferry, ford, gallery, geodesic dome, hall, hallway, igloo, inlet, interchange, intersection, junction, keystone, lane, loggia, ogive, opening, outlet, overpass, pass, passage, passageway, pergola, peristyle, pier, pilaster, pillar, portico, post, railroad tunnel, skewback, span, telamon, traject, trajet, tunnel, underpass, vault, vaulting, voussoir