List of architect synonyms and architect related words.
a, actor, agent, ancestors, apprentice, artificer, artist, author, begetter, beginner, builder, civil architect, conceiver, constructor, contriver, craftsman, creator, designer, developer, deviser, discoverer, doer, effector, engenderer, engineer, enterpriser, entrepreneur, executant, executor, executrix, fabricator, father, founder, framer, generator, grower, inaugurator, industrialist, initiator, instigator, institutor, introducer, inventor, journeyman, landscape architect, landscape gardener, maker, manufacturer, master, master craftsman, medium, mother, mover, operant, operative, operator, organizer, originator, past master, patriarch, performer, perpetrator, planner, practitioner, precursor, prime mover, producer, projector, promoter, raiser, realizer, shaper, sire, smith, strategian, strategist, subject, tactician, urbanist, worker, wright