List of aspect synonyms and aspect related words.
adjunct, air, angle, appurtenance, article, astrodiagnosis, astrology, astromancy, attitude, attribute, azimuth, bearing, bearings, case, celestial navigation, characteristic, circumstance, complexion, component, configuration, constituent, contents, count, countenance, datum, dead reckoning, desiderative, detail, effect, eidolon, element, exposure, face, facet, fact, factor, fashion, feature, figure, fix, fixings, form, frequentative, frontage, genethliac astrology, genethliacism, genethliacs, genethlialogy, gestalt, guise, hand, horoscope, horoscopy, house, image, imago, imperfective, impression, inchoative, incidental, ingredient, instance, integrant, interpretation, item, iterative, lay, lie, light, likeness, line of position, lineaments, look, makings, manifestation, manner, mansion, matter, mien, minor detail, minutia, minutiae, mundane astrology, mundane house, nativity, natural astrology, orientation, outlook, part, part and parcel, particular, perfective, phase, phasis, pilotage, planetary house, point, point of view, port, position, position line, presence, prospect, quality, radio bearing, reference, regard, respect, seeming, semblance, set, shape, side, simulacrum, slant, specialty, standpoint, stargazing, style, thing, total effect, twist, view, viewpoint, visage, wise, zodiac