List of assess synonyms and assess related words.
account, appraise, appreciate, ask, assay, calculate, calibrate, caliper, call, catalog, categorize, charge, charge for, check a parameter, class, classify, compute, consider, deem, demand, dial, divide, estimate, evaluate, exact, factor, fair-trade, fathom, figure, form an estimate, gauge, give an appreciation, graduate, group, guess, identify, impose, levy, make an estimation, make dutiable, mark, measure, mensurate, mete, meter, pace, plumb, price, prize, pro rata, probe, prorate, put, quantify, quantize, quote a price, rank, rate, reckon, require, set at, sift, size, size up, sort, sort out, sound, span, step, stick for, survey, take a reading, tax, thrash out, tithe, triangulate, valorize, valuate, value, weigh, winnow