List of assumption synonyms and assumption related words.
a priori principle, about-face, acceptance, accession, acquisition, admission, admittance, adoption, affirmation, alchemy, allegory, allusion, anointing, anointment, apotheosis, appointment, appropriation, apriorism, arcane meaning, arrogation, ascension, ascent, aspiration, assertion, assignment, assimilation, assumed position, assumption, assurance, assured faith, attitude, authorization, axiom, basis, beatification, becoming, borrowed plumes, canonization, categorical proposition, change, change-over, cheerful expectation, climate of opinion, colonization, coloration, common belief, community sentiment, conceit, concept, conception, conclusion, confidence, conjecture, connotation, conquest, consecration, consensus gentium, consideration, conversion, conviction, copying, coronation, data, deification, delegation, dependence, deputation, derivation, deriving, desire, doomed hope, election, elevation, empowerment, encroachment, enshrinement, enslavement, entailment, erection, escalation, estimate, estimation, ethos, exaltation, expectation, eye, fair prospect, faith, familiarity, feeling, fervent hope, first principles, flip-flop, foundation, fundamental, gathering, general belief, getting, good cheer, good hope, great expectations, ground, growth, guess, guesswork, height, high hopes, hint, hope, hopeful prognosis, hopefulness, hopes, hoping, hoping against hope, hubris, hypothesis, hypothesis ad hoc, idea, imitation, implication, implied meaning, import, imposition, impression, indent, inference, infringement, innuendo, insolence, intimation, invasion, involvement, ironic suggestion, judgment, lapse, law, lawlessness, legitimate succession, lemma, liberties, liberty abused, license, licentiousness, lifting, lights, major premise, meaning, metaphorical sense, mind, minor premise, mocking, mystique, naturalization, notion, nuance, observation, occult meaning, occupation, opinion, overtone, overweening, overweeningness, passage, pasticcio, pastiche, personal judgment, philosopheme, philosophical proposition, pirating, plagiarism, plagiary, playing God, point of view, popular belief, posit, position, postulate, postulation, postulatum, posture, prayerful hope, preemption, premise, preoccupation, prepossession, presumption, presumptuousness, presupposal, presupposition, prevailing belief, principle, progress, promise, proposition, propositional function, prospect, prospects, public belief, public opinion, raising, re-formation, reaction, rearing, receipt, receival, receiving, reception, reconversion, reduction, reliance, requisition, resolution, resurrection, reversal, sanguine expectation, security, seizure, sentiment, set of postulates, shift, sight, simulation, stance, statement, subjugation, subsense, subsidiary sense, subsumption, succession, suggestion, sumption, supposal, supposing, supposition, surmise, sursum corda, switch, switch-over, symbolism, takeover, taking, taking over, the Ascension, the Assumption, theorem, theory, thesis, thinking, thought, tinge, touch, transformation, transit, transition, translation, trespass, trespassing, trust, truth table, truth-function, truth-value, turning into, undercurrent, undermeaning, undertone, undue liberty, upbuoying, upcast, upheaval, uplift, uplifting, upping, uprearing, upthrow, upthrust, usurpation, view, volte-face, way of thinking, well-grounded hope, working hypothesis