List of astute synonyms and astute related words.
Machiavellian, Machiavellic, acute, adroit, alert, apperceptive, appercipient, arch, argute, artful, cagey, calculating, canny, clever, cogent, crafty, cunning, cute, deceitful, deep, deep-laid, designing, diplomatic, discerning, discreet, farseeing, farsighted, feline, foreseeing, foresighted, forethoughted, forethoughtful, foxy, guileful, heady, incisive, ingenious, insidious, insightful, intelligent, inventive, judicious, keen, knowing, knowledgeable, longheaded, longsighted, observant, pawky, penetrating, perceptive, percipient, perspicacious, perspicuous, piercing, politic, provident, prudent, quick, quick-witted, ready, resourceful, sagacious, sage, savvy, scheming, serpentine, sharp, shifty, shrewd, slick, slippery, sly, smooth, snaky, sneaky, sophistical, stealthy, strategic, subtile, subtle, supple, tactical, trenchant, trickish, tricksy, tricky, underhand, underhanded, understanding, vulpine, wary, wily, wise