List of attribute synonyms and attribute related words.
IC analysis, account for, accredit, accredit with, accrete to, acknowledge, affection, apply, apply to, appositive, aroma, ascribe, ascribe to, assign, assign to, attach, attach to, attribute to, attributive, badge, blame, blame for, blame on, brand, bring home to, cachet, calendar, cast, character, characteristic, charge, charge on, charge to, chronologize, complement, confess, configuration, connect with, construction modifier, credit, credit with, cut, cutting, date, deep structure, differentia, differential, direct object, distinctive feature, earmark, emblem, fasten upon, father upon, feature, figure, filler, fix on, fix upon, flavor, form-function unit, function, give, gust, hallmark, hang on, idiocrasy, idiosyncrasy, immediate constituent analysis, impress, impression, impute, impute to, index, indirect object, individualism, keynote, lay, lay to, levels, lineaments, mannerism, mark, marking, modifier, mold, nature, object, odor, particularity, peculiarity, phrase structure, pin on, pinpoint, place, place upon, point to, predicate, property, put, qualifier, quality, quirk, ranks, refer, refer to, saddle on, saddle with, savor, seal, set down to, settle upon, shallow structure, shape, singularity, slot, slot and filler, smack, specialty, stamp, strata, structure, subject, surface structure, syntactic analysis, syntactic structure, syntactics, syntax, tagmeme, taint, tang, taste, token, trace to, trait, trick, underlying structure, virtue, word arrangement, word order