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avoidance synonyms and avoidance related words

Synonyms -> avoidance synonyms

List of avoidance synonyms and avoidance related words.

Encratism, Friday, Lenten fare, Pythagoreanism, Pythagorism, Rechabitism, Shakerism, Spartan fare, Stoicism, abstainment, abstemiousness, abstention, abstinence, asceticism, banyan day, celibacy, chastity, continence, cringe, dodge, duck, elusion, eschewal, evasion, fallback, fast, fish day, flinch, fruitarianism, gymnosophy, nephalism, plain living, pullback, pullout, recoil, refraining, refrainment, retreat, runaround, sexual abstinence, shunning, shy, sidestep, sidestepping, simple diet, spare diet, teetotalism, the pledge, total abstinence, vegetarianism, wince