List of awkward synonyms and awkward related words.
Latinate, all thumbs, blankminded, blunderheaded, blundering, bombastic, boorish, bulky, bumbling, bungling, butterfingered, callow, careless, clownish, clumsy, clumsy-fisted, confused, contrary, cramped, crosswise, crushing, cumbersome, cumbrous, dangerous, delicate, difficult, discomfited, discommodious, disconcerted, disconcerting, disturbing, dumb, elephantine, embarrassed, embarrassing, empty, empty-headed, fingers all thumbs, forced, formal, fumbling, gauche, gawkish, gawky, graceless, green, groping, guinde, halting, ham-fisted, ham-handed, hazardous, heavy, heavy-handed, hulking, hulky, humiliating, ignorant, ill at ease, ill-chosen, impractical, inane, incommodious, inconvenient, inefficient, inelegant, inept, inexperienced, inexpert, inkhorn, innocent, know-nothing, labored, leaden, left-hand, left-handed, loutish, lubberly, lumbering, lumpish, lumpy, maladroit, massive, massy, mortifying, naive, nescient, oafish, out of place, perilous, perverse, pompous, ponderous, precarious, raw, rigid, risky, sensitive, sesquipedalian, shamefaced, simple, sloppy, splay, sticky, stiff, stilted, strange to, tentative, ticklish, touchy, tricky, troublesome, trying, turgid, unacquainted, unapprized, uncomfortable, uncomprehending, unconversant, uncouth, undexterous, uneasy, unenlightened, unfamiliar, unfortunate, ungainly, ungraceful, unhandy, unhappy, unilluminated, uninformed, uninitiated, unintelligent, unknowing, unmanageable, unpleasant, unposted, unripe, unskilled, unskillful, unsure, unversed, unwieldy, vacuous, wooden