List of babe synonyms and babe related words.
angel, baby, baby bunting, baby-doll, bambino, bantling, broad, buttercup, cherub, chick, chickabiddy, child, child of nature, colleen, cutie, dame, damoiselle, damsel, darling, dear, deary, demoiselle, doll, dove, duck, duckling, dupe, filly, frail, gal, girl, girlie, heifer, hick, hon, honey, honey bunch, honey child, hoyden, incubator baby, infant, ingenue, innocent, jeune fille, jill, junior miss, lamb, lambkin, lass, lassie, little angel, little darling, little missy, lout, love, lover, mademoiselle, maid, maiden, mere child, mewling infant, miss, missy, neonate, newborn, newborn babe, noble savage, nursling, nymphet, oaf, papoose, pet, petkins, piece, precious, precious heart, preemie, premature baby, preschooler, puling infant, romp, rube, schoolgirl, schoolmaid, schoolmiss, simple soul, skirt, slip, snookums, subdeb, subdebutante, subteen, subteener, suckling, sugar, sweet, sweetheart, sweetie, sweetkins, sweets, teenybopper, toddler, tomato, tomboy, unsophisticate, virgin, weanling, wench, yearling, yokel, young creature, young thing