List of bad synonyms and bad related words.
OK, abhorrent, abominable, abomination, ace-high, ailing, alarming, amiss, apocalyptic, arrant, atrocious, atrocity, bad for, bad-smelling, badly, baleful, bane, baneful, bang-up, barfy, base, befoulment, below par, black, blamable, blameworthy, blight, blue, bodeful, boding, bonzer, boss, brackish, bully, bum, but good, cankered, careless, carious, castrated, cloying, contaminated, cool, corking, corrupt, corruption, crackerjack, crappy, crestfallen, criminal, crippled, critical, critically ill, crying evil, damage, damaging, damnable, dandy, dangerous, dangersome, dark, decayed, decomposed, defective, deficient, defilement, dejected, deleterious, delicious, depressed, despaired of, despoliation, destruction, detriment, detrimental, dire, disabled, disagreeable, disconsolate, diseased, disgrace, disgraceful, disgusting, disordered, disorderly, dispirited, displeasing, disruptive, dissatisfactory, distasteful, distressing, done for, doomful, down, downhearted, dreary, ducky, dying, emasculated, error, evil, evil-starred, evilly, execrable, expiring, explosive, fab, facing death, faint, faintish, fateful, fecal, feeling awful, feeling faint, feeling something terrible, festering, fetid, fine and dandy, flagitious, flagrant, foreboding, foul, fraught with danger, froward, frowsty, frowy, frowzy, fulsome, funky, fusty, futile, game, gamy, gangrened, gangrenous, gear, given up, gloomy, going, gone bad, graceless, graveolent, great, grievance, groovy, halt, halting, hamstrung, handicapped, harm, harmful, hateful, havoc, heavy, heinous, high, hobbling, hopeless, hot, hunky-dory, hurt, hurtful, icky, ill, ill-advised, ill-behaved, ill-boding, ill-considered, ill-fated, ill-omened, ill-smelling, ill-starred, ill-suited, ill-timed, immoral, impolitic, improper, in articulo mortis, in danger, in extremis, inaccurate, inadequate, inadmissible, inadvisable, inappropriate, inapt, inauspicious, incapable of life, incapacitated, incongruous, indecorous, indisposed, inept, inexpedient, infamous, infamy, infected, infection, infelicitous, inferior, iniquitous, iniquity, injurious, injury, inopportune, insalubrious, insanitary, insufferable, intolerable, invalid, jam-up, jeopardous, just dandy, keen, knavery, knavish, laid low, lame, limping, loathsome, lousy, low, lowering, maggoty, maimed, mal a propos, malapropos, malevolent, malodorous, marvy, mawkish, mean, menacing, mephitic, miasmal, miasmic, mildewed, mildewy, misbehaving, mischief, mischievous, miserable, moldy, monstrous, morbid, morbific, moribund, mortally ill, mortified, moth-eaten, musty, nasty, naughty, nauseant, nauseating, nauseous, near death, neat, necrosed, necrotic, nefarious, nidorous, nifty, nobby, noisome, nonviable, not quite right, not respectable, noxious, null and void, objectionable, obliquity, obnoxious, odorous, of evil portent, off, off-base, off-color, offensive, okay, olid, ominous, out of place, out of sight, out of sorts, out-of-line, outrage, overripe, parlous, pathogenic, pathological, paw, peachy, peachy-keen, peccancy, peccant, periculous, perilous, perverse, pestiferous, poison, poisoned, poisonous, polluted, pollution, poor, portending, portentous, punk, putrefied, putrescent, putrid, rancid, rank, reasty, reasy, rebarbative, reechy, reeking, reeky, reprehensible, reprobacy, reprobate, repulsive, ripping, rocky, rotten, rotting, rough, rowdy, rowdyish, ruffianly, rum, scandal, scandalous, scrumptious, seedy, septic, serious, shame, shameful, sick, sick unto death, sickening, sickish, sin, sinful, sinister, sinking, slap-up, slipping, slipping away, slipshod, smashing, smellful, smelling, smelly, solid, somber, something else, sour, spavined, sphacelated, spiffing, spiffy, spoiled, stale, stenchy, sticky, stinking, strong, stuffy, stunning, sulfurous, suppurating, suppurative, swell, tainted, taken ill, terminal, thankless, the worst, threatening, tough, toxin, turned, ugly, ulcerated, ulcerous, unacceptable, unbefitting, unbehaving, under the weather, undesirable, uneasy, unfavorable, unfit, unfitting, unforgivable, unfortunate, ungracious, ungrateful, unhandsome, unhappy, unhealthful, unhealthy, unhygienic, unkind, unlucky, unmeet, unpardonable, unpleasant, unprofitable, unpromising, unpropitious, unruly, unsanitary, unsatisfactory, unseasonable, unseemly, unskillful, unsound, unspeakable, unsuitable, untimely, untoward, unwell, unwholesome, unwise, unworthy, venom, vexation, vicious, vile, villainous, villainy, void, vomity, weevily, wicked, wizard, woe, woebegone, worm-eaten, wretched, wrong, wrongly, yucky