List of balmy synonyms and balmy related words.
Saturnian, absurd, agreeable, allaying, alleviating, alleviative, ambrosial, analgesic, anesthetic, anodyne, aromatic, assuaging, assuasive, balsamic, bananas, barmy, bats, batty, beany, benumbing, bland, blooming, blossoming, bonkers, booming, bright, buggy, bughouse, bugs, cathartic, cleansing, clear, crackers, crazy, cuckoo, daffy, deadening, delightful, demulcent, dippy, dotty, dulling, easing, emollient, essenced, exuberant, faint, fair, fat, flaky, flipped, flourishing, flowering, flowery, fragrant, freaked-out, fruitcakey, fruiting, fruity, gaga, going strong, goofy, gratifying, halcyon, harebrained, haywire, in full swing, in good case, incense-breathing, insane, just plain nuts, kooky, lenient, lenitive, lightening, loony, loopy, mild, mitigating, mitigative, musky, numbing, nuts, nutty, odorate, odoriferous, odorous, off the hinges, off the track, off the wall, pain-killing, palliative, palmy, perfumed, perfumy, piping, pleasant, pleasing, potty, preposterous, prospering, purgative, redolent, refreshing, rejuvenating, relieving, remedial, restorative, rosy, round the bend, savory, scented, screwball, screwballs, screwy, silly, slaphappy, sleek, smooth, soft, softening, soothing, spicy, subduing, sunny, sweet, sweet-scented, sweet-smelling, thriving, thuriferous, vigorous, wacky