List of baneful synonyms and baneful related words.
apocalyptic, appalling, atrocious, awful, bad, baleful, beastly, black, bodeful, boding, brutal, calamitous, cataclysmal, cataclysmic, catastrophic, consuming, consumptive, corroding, corrosive, corrupting, corruptive, counterproductive, damaging, dark, deadly, death-bringing, deathful, deathly, deleterious, demolishing, demolitionary, depredatory, desolating, destroying, destructive, detrimental, devastating, dire, direful, disadvantageous, disastrous, disserviceable, distressing, doomful, dreadful, dreary, evil, evil-starred, fatal, fateful, feral, foreboding, fratricidal, gloomy, grim, harmful, hideous, horrendous, horrible, horrid, horrific, horrifying, hurtful, ill, ill-boding, ill-fated, ill-omened, ill-starred, inauspicious, injurious, insalubrious, internecine, killing, lethal, lowering, malefic, malevolent, malign, malignant, menacing, mischievous, mortal, nihilist, nihilistic, noisome, noxious, of evil portent, ominous, pernicious, pestiferous, pestilent, pestilential, poisonous, portending, portentous, prejudicial, ravaging, rotten, ruining, ruinous, savage, scatheful, self-destructive, shocking, sinister, somber, subversionary, subversive, suicidal, terrible, threatening, toxic, tragic, unfavorable, unfortunate, unhealthy, unlucky, unpromising, unpropitious, unspeakable, untoward, unwholesome, vandalic, vandalish, vandalistic, venenate, veneniferous, venenous, venomous, vicious, virulent, wasteful, wasting, withering