List of basic synonyms and basic related words.
ab ovo, aboriginal, acid, alkali, austere, bare, basal, basilar, bedrock, biochemical, bottom, capital, central, chaste, chemical, chemicobiological, chemicoengineering, chemicomineralogical, chemicophysical, chemurgic, chief, constituent, constitutive, copolymeric, copolymerous, crucial, dimeric, dimerous, electrochemical, element, elemental, elementary, embryonic, essential, focal, foundational, fundamental, generative, genetic, germinal, gut, heteromerous, homely, homespun, homogeneous, in embryo, in ovo, indispensable, indivisible, irreducible, isomerous, key, life-and-death, life-or-death, macrochemical, main, material, mere, metameric, monolithic, monomerous, nonacid, of a piece, of the essence, of vital importance, original, part and parcel, photochemical, physicochemical, phytochemical, plain, polymeric, pregnant, primal, primary, prime, primeval, primitive, primordial, principal, pristine, protogenic, pure, pure and simple, radical, radiochemical, root, rudiment, rudimentary, seminal, severe, simon-pure, simple, single, spare, stark, substantial, substantive, thermochemical, unadorned, uncluttered, underlying, undifferenced, undifferentiated, uniform, vital