List of battledore synonyms and battledore related words.
Lastex, abecedarium, abecedary, agate, alphabet book, baleen, ball, baseball bat, bat, bauble, blocks, casebook, checkerboard, chessboard, chewing gum, club, cockhorse, cricket bat, cue, doll, doll carriage, elastic, elastomer, exercise book, gewgaw, gimcrack, golf club, gradus, grammar, gum, gum elastic, handball, hobbyhorse, hornbook, jack-in-the-box, jacks, jackstones, jackstraws, jumping jack, kickshaw, knickknack, manual, manual of instruction, marble, marionette, mig, paper doll, pick-up sticks, pinwheel, plaything, primer, puppet, racket, rag doll, reader, rocking horse, rubber, rubber ball, rubber band, schoolbook, spandex, speller, spelling book, sport, spring, springboard, steelie, stretch fabric, t, taw, teetotum, text, top, toy, toy soldier, trampoline, trinket, whalebone, whim-wham, workbook