List of beacon synonyms and beacon related words.
AM transmitter, FM transmitter, Klaxon, Mayday, RT transmitter, Roman candle, SOS, Texas tower, Very flare, aid to navigation, air-raid alarm, airport beacon, airway beacon, alarm, alarm bell, alarm clock, alarm signal, alarum, alert, all clear, amateur transmitter, amber light, anchor light, approach light, backfire, balefire, beacon fire, beacons, beam, bell, bell buoy, belvedere, blaze, bleachers, blinker, blinker light, blinking light, blue peter, bonfire, bridge, buoy, burglar alarm, burning ghat, buzzer, campfire, caution light, ceiling light, cheerful fire, combustion, conflagration, conning tower, corposant, cozy fire, crackling fire, crematory, crostarie, death fire, fan marker, fen fire, fiery cross, fire, fire alarm, fire bell, fire flag, five-minute gun, flame, flare, flare path, flare-up, flashing light, flashing point, flicker, flickering flame, fog bell, fog signal, fog whistle, foghorn, forest fire, fox fire, funeral pyre, fusee, gale warning, gallery, gazebo, glance, go light, gong buoy, grandstand, green light, heliograph, high sign, hooter, horn, hue and cry, hurricane warning, ignis fatuus, ignition, ingle, international alphabet flag, international numeral pennant, kick, lambent flame, leer, light, lighthouse, lightship, lookout, loophole, magnesium flare, marker, marker beacon, marshfire, microphone, navigation light, nod, note of alarm, nudge, observation post, observatory, occulting light, open fire, outlook, overlook, parachute flare, peanut gallery, peephole, pharos, pilot flag, poke, police whistle, prairie fire, pylon, pyre, quarantine flag, racon, radar beacon, radiator, radio beacon, radio range beacon, radio transmitter, radiomicrophone, radiosonde, raging fire, red flag, red light, ringside, ringside seat, rocket, sailing aid, sea of flames, semaphore, semaphore flag, semaphore telegraph, sheet of fire, sighthole, sign, signal, signal beacon, signal bell, signal fire, signal flag, signal flare, signal gong, signal gun, signal lamp, signal light, signal mast, signal of distress, signal post, signal rocket, signal shot, signal siren, signal tower, siren, skyrocket, small-craft warning, smudge fire, spar buoy, still alarm, stop light, storm cone, storm flag, storm warning, the nod, the wink, three-alarm fire, tocsin, top gallery, touch, tower, traffic light, traffic signal, transceiver, transmitter, two-alarm fire, two-minute gun, upside-down flag, watch fire, watchtower, whistle, white flag, wigwag, wigwag flag, wildfire, wind cone, wind indicator, wind sock, wink, witch fire, yellow flag