List of bear down synonyms and bear down related words.
beat down, bring low, buckle down, couch, crush, debase, defeat, depress, detrude, do double duty, downbear, elucubrate, endeavor, get cracking, get cutting, go all out, haul down, hit the ball, hop to it, hotfoot, hump, hump it, hustle, indent, knuckle down, lay to, lean on it, let down, lower, lucubrate, overpower, overwork, ply the oar, pour it on, press down, pull down, push down, reduce, scratch, shag ass, shake a leg, shake it up, sink, slave, snap to it, spare no effort, step on it, subdue, subjugate, sweat, take down, tear ass, thrust down, vanquish, work hard, work late, work overtime