List of bear synonyms and bear related words.
Cape polecat, Tartar, abide, abide with, acquiesce, acquit, act, admit of, affect, afflict, afford, afford support, aim, allow, answer, ape, appertain, apply, assault, attend, author, avail, back, back up, bar, be confined, be equal to, be worthy of, bear a child, bear account, bear fruit, bear on, bear out, bear the market, bear up, bear upon, bear with, bear young, beget, bide, birth, blink at, bolster, bolster up, boost, bosom, bow, brace, brave, breed, bring, bring about, bring forth, bring to birth, bring to effect, bring to pass, brook, buck, bull, bull the market, bulldoze, bump, bump against, bunt, buoy up, butt, butt against, buttress, calve, carry, cast, cause, cavy, chaperon, cheer, cherish, chimp, chimpanzee, cling to, clip, companion, comport, conceive, concern, condone, conduct, confirm, connive at, consort with, convey, convoy, coon, correspond, corroborate, countenance, cradle, cram, crank, create, crosspatch, crowd, crush, crutch, cushion, defer, deliver, demean, deport, develop, dig, digest, display, dispose, do, do it, dragon, drive, drop, effect, effectuate, elbow, embosom, embrace, encourage, endure, engender, entertain, escort, establish, exhibit, experience, fabricate, farrow, fashion, father, fawn, feist, ferret, ferry, fill the bill, finance, fire-eater, fly, foal, fondle, force, form, foster, foumart, found, freight, fructify, fruit, fulfill, fund, furnish, fury, generate, gestate, get by, give birth, give birth to, give occasion to, give origin to, give rise to, give support, glutton, go, go around, go on, goad, grizzly bear, grouch, groundhog, guinea pig, hack it, hang in, hang in there, hang tough, harbor, have, have a baby, have and hold, have young, head, hear of, hedgehog, hold, hold a heading, hold on to, hold out, hold up, hothead, hotspur, hug, hump, hurtle, hustle, inaugurate, incline, indulge, influence, institute, invent, invite, involve, jab, jam, jog, joggle, jolt, jostle, just do, keep, keep afloat, keep up, kitten, labor, lamb, lead, lend support, lie in, lift, light out, litter, lug, lump, lump it, mainstay, maintain, make, make allowances for, make do, make the grade, manhandle, manipulate the market, meet, meet requirements, merit, monk, monkey, mother, mousehound, move, multiply, nudge, nurse, nurture, occasion, opossum, originate, overlook, pack, parallel, pass, pass muster, peg the market, permit, persevere, pertain, pile drive, pillow, point, poke, polecat, porcupine, possess, possum, prairie dog, press, procreate, prod, produce, prop, prop up, propagate, provoke, punch, pup, push, put up with, qualify, quill pig, quit, raccoon, raid the market, ram, ram down, rattle, reach, realize, refer, reinforce, relate, reproduce, rig the market, run, run against, satisfy, serve, serve the purpose, set, set afloat, set on foot, set out, set up, shake, shape, shore, shore up, short, short account, short interest, short seller, short side, shorts, shoulder, shove, show, sire, skunk, sorehead, spare, spare the price, spawn, squab, squash, squeeze, squish, stand, stand for, stand up, stand up to, stay, steer, stick, stick out, still, stomach, stress, stretch, strike out, submit, subsidize, substantiate, subvention, subventionize, suffer, suffice, support, survive, sustain, swallow, sweat out, take, take it, take off, take up with, tamp, tend, tend to go, throw, thrust, tie in with, tolerate, torment, torture, tote, touch, touch on, touch upon, transport, travail, treasure, treasure up, trend, try, turn, turn out, ugly customer, underbrace, undergird, undergo, underlie, underpin, underset, upbear, uphold, upkeep, verge, waft, warrant, wash sales, weasel, well afford, whelp, whipsaw, whisk, whistle-pig, wing, wink at, wish, withstand, wolverine, woodchuck, work, yean, yield, zoril