List of belly synonyms and belly related words.
abdomen, abomasum, ascender, back, bag, balloon, bastard type, bay window, beard, bed, bedrock, beerbelly, belly out, bevel, bilge, billow, black letter, body, bottom, bottom side, bouge, breadbasket, breech, bug, bulge, buttocks, cap, capital, case, convexity, counter, craw, crop, cylindricality, descender, diaphragm, dilate, distend, downside, em, embonpoint, en, face, fat-faced type, feet, first stomach, font, fundament, gizzard, globosity, globularity, goggle, groove, gullet, gut, hardpan, honeycomb stomach, italic, kishkes, letter, ligature, logotype, lower case, lower side, lowest layer, lowest level, majuscule, manyplies, maw, midriff, minuscule, nether side, nethermost level, nick, omasum, orbicularity, paunch, pi, pica, point, pooch, pop, pot, potbelly, potgut, pouch, pout, print, psalterium, pusgut, rennet bag, reticulum, rock bottom, roman, rotundity, rotundness, round out, roundness, rumen, sans serif, script, second stomach, shank, shoulder, small cap, small capital, spare tire, sphericality, sphericalness, sphericity, spheroidicity, spheroidity, stamp, stem, stomach, substratum, swagbelly, swell, swell out, third stomach, tum-tum, tummy, type, type body, type class, type lice, typecase, typeface, typefounders, typefoundry, underbelly, underlayer, underneath, underside, upper case, venter, ventripotence