List of bias synonyms and bias related words.
a thing for, aberrancy, aberration, across, affect, affinity, angle, angle off, animus, aptitude, aptness, aslant, aslope, athwart, atilt, bag, bear off, bend, bend to, bendwise, bent, bevel, beveled, biased, biaswise, branching off, canting, careening, cast, catercorner, catercornered, catercornerways, character, chosen kind, circuitousness, color, conatus, conduce, conduciveness, constitution, contribute, corner, cornerways, cornerwise, crook, crossways, crosswise, cup of tea, curve, declination, deflect, delight, departure, detour, deviance, deviancy, deviate, deviation, deviousness, diagonal, diagonally, diagonalwise, diathesis, diffract, diffuse, digression, discrimination, discursion, disperse, dispose, disposition, distort, divagate, divagation, divarication, diverge, divergence, diversion, divert, dogleg, double, drift, drifting, druthers, eagerness, eccentricity, errantry, excursion, excursus, exorbitation, fancy, fascination, favor, favoritism, feeling for, forejudgment, garble, go, grain, hairpin, have a tendency, head, idiosyncrasy, impulse, inclination, inclinational, inclinatory, incline, inclined, inclining, indirection, individualism, induce, inequality, influence, interest, involvement, jaundice, jaundiced eye, kidney, kittycorner, lead, lean, leaning, liability, liking, listing, look to, lurch, make, makeup, mental set, mettle, mind, mind-set, misconstrue, misdirect, misinterpret, misrender, misrepresent, misuse, mold, move, mutual affinity, mutual attraction, nature, nepotism, oblique, oblique angle, oblique figure, oblique line, obliquity, on the bias, one-sidedness, out of plumb, out of square, parti pris, partialism, partiality, particular choice, partisanism, partisanship, penchant, pererration, personal choice, persuade, pervert, pitched, point, point to, preconception, predilection, predispose, predisposition, preference, preferential treatment, prejudgment, prejudice, prejudice against, prejudice the issue, prepossess, prepossession, probability, proclivity, prompt, proneness, propensity, pull, raking, rambling, readiness, recumbent, redound to, refract, rhomboid, scatter, scratch comma, sensitivity to, separatrix, serve, set, set toward, sheer, shelving, shelvy, shift, shifting, shifting course, shifting path, show a tendency, sideling, sidelong, skew, slant, slanted, slanting, slantways, slantwise, slash, sloped, sloping, slue, soft spot, soften up, solidus, stamp, standpoint, strain, straying, streak, stripe, style, susceptibility, sway, sweep, swerve, swerving, swinging, sympathy, tack, taint, taste, temper, temperament, tend, tendency, thing, thwart, tilted, tilting, tinge, tipped, tipping, tipsy, tone, torture, transverse, trend, tropism, turn, turn of mind, turning, twist, type, undetachment, undispassionateness, unneutrality, variation, varnish, veer, verge, viewpoint, virgule, wandering, warp, weakness, wear down, weigh with, weight, willingness, work, work toward, yaw, zigzag