List of biennial synonyms and biennial related words.
amphibian, angiosperm, anniversary, annual, annual holiday, aquatic plant, biannual, bicentenary, bicentennial, bimonthly, birthday, bissextile day, biweekly, catamenial, centenary, centennial, commemoration, cosmopolite, cutting, daily, decennial, deciduous plant, diamond jubilee, dicot, dicotyledon, diurnal, ephemeral, evergreen, exotic, flowering plant, fortnightly, fungus, gametophyte, golden wedding anniversary, gymnosperm, hebdomadal, holy days, hourly, hydrophyte, immovable feast, jubilee, leap year, menstrual, momentary, momently, monocot, monocotyl, monthly, name day, natal day, octennial, perennial, plant, polycot, polycotyl, polycotyledon, quadrennial, quarterly, quasquicentennial, quincentenary, quincentennial, quinquennial, quotidian, secular, seed plant, seedling, semestral, semiannual, semimonthly, semiweekly, semiyearly, septennial, sesquicentennial, sextennial, silver wedding anniversary, spermatophyte, sporophyte, tercentenary, tercentennial, tertian, thallophyte, tricennial, triennial, vascular plant, vegetable, wedding anniversary, weed, weekly, yearly