List of billow synonyms and billow related words.
bag, balloon, be poised, belly, belly out, bilge, bore, bouge, break, breakers, bug, bulge, chop, choppiness, chopping sea, comb, comber, crash, dash, dilate, dirty water, distend, eagre, ebb and flow, goggle, gravity wave, ground swell, heave, heavy sea, heavy swell, lift, lop, peak, pooch, pop, popple, pouch, pout, riffle, ripple, rise, rise and fall, roll, roller, rough water, round out, scend, sea, send, smash, surf, surge, swell, swell out, tidal bore, tidal wave, tide wave, toss, trough, tsunami, undulate, undulation, water wave, wave, wavelet, white horses, whitecaps