List of billowy synonyms and billowy related words.
bagging, baggy, ballooning, bellying, bent, billowing, bloated, bosomy, bulbose, bulbous, bulging, bumped, bumpy, bunched, bunchy, curvaceous, curvate, curvated, curve, curved, curvesome, curviform, curvilineal, curvilinear, curving, curvy, distended, geosynclinal, hillocky, hummocky, incurvate, incurvated, incurved, incurving, labyrinthine, mazy, meandering, moutonnee, pneumatic, potbellied, pouching, recurvate, recurvated, recurved, recurving, rolling, rounded, serpentine, sinuous, surgy, swelling, tortuous, undulant, undulate, undulated, undulating, undulative, undulatory, verrucated, verrucose, warty, wavy