List of blemish synonyms and blemish related words.
abrade, abrasion, baboon, bag, bark, besmirch, birthmark, black sheep, blaze, blaze a trail, blister, bloody, blot, blotch, brand, break, bruise, bug, burn, caste mark, catch, chafe, chalk, chalk up, check, check off, checkmark, chip, cicatrix, cicatrize, claw, concussion, crack, crackle, craze, cut, damage, dapple, dash, deface, defect, defection, deficiency, define, deform, delimit, demarcate, discolor, discoloration, disfigure, disfigurement, disproportion, distort, dog, dot, drawback, dysphemize, earmark, engrave, engraving, erratum, error, eyesore, failing, failure, fault, faute, flash burn, flaw, fleck, flick, foible, foreign body, foreign intruder, fracture, frailty, fray, frazzle, freckle, fret, fright, gall, gargoyle, gash, graving, hack, hag, harm, harridan, hatch, hole, hurt, impair, impairment, imperfection, impress, imprint, impurity, inadequacy, incise, incision, infirmity, injure, injury, intruder, jot, kink, lacerate, laceration, lentigo, lesion, line, little problem, look a fright, look a mess, look bad, look like hell, look something terrible, macula, maim, make a mark, make mincemeat of, mar, mark, mark off, mark out, marking, maul, mess, misfit, misshape, mole, monkey wrench, monster, monstrosity, mortal wound, mote, mottle, mutilate, mutilation, nevus, nick, no beauty, notch, oddball, offend, offend the eye, patch, pencil, pepper, pierce, pockmark, point, polka dot, prejudice, prick, print, problem, punch, punctuate, puncture, rend, rent, riddle, rift, rip, run, rupture, savage, scab, scald, scar, scarecrow, scarification, scarify, scorch, score, scotch, scrape, scratch, scratching, scuff, seal, seam, second-degree burn, shortcoming, sight, skin, slash, slit, sliver, smear, snag, something missing, sore, speck, speckle, splash, splinter, split, splotch, spoil, spot, sprain, stab, stab wound, stain, stamp, stick, stigma, stigmatize, stone, strain, strawberry mark, streak, striate, stripe, sully, taint, tarnish, tattoo, tattoo mark, tear, teratism, third-degree burn, tick, tick off, tittle, trace, trauma, traumatize, truncate, twist, uglify, ugly duckling, underline, underscore, vice, vitiate, vulnerable place, warp, wart, watermark, weak link, weak point, weakness, weed, witch, wound, wounds immedicable, wrench