List of blowzy synonyms and blowzy related words.
adipose, beat-up, bedraggled, beefy, big-bellied, bloated, blooming, blowzed, bosomy, brawny, burly, burnt, buxom, careless, chintzy, chubby, chunky, corpulent, dilapidated, distended, drabbletailed, draggled, draggletailed, dumpy, fat, fattish, fleshy, florid, flush, flushed, frowzy, frumpish, frumpy, full, full-blooded, glowing, gross, grubby, heavyset, hectic, hefty, hippy, imposing, in rags, informal, loose, lumpen, lusty, meaty, messy, mussy, negligent, obese, overweight, paunchy, plump, podgy, poky, portly, potbellied, pudgy, puffy, pursy, ragged, raggedy, red-complexioned, red-faced, red-fleshed, roly-poly, rosy, rosy-cheeked, rotund, rubicund, ruddy, ruddy-complexioned, ruddy-faced, ruinous, sanguine, scraggly, seedy, shabby, shoddy, slack, slatternly, slipshod, sloppy, slovenly, sluttish, sordid, squalid, square, squat, squatty, stalwart, stocky, stout, strapping, sunburned, swollen, tacky, tattered, thick-bodied, thickset, top-heavy, tubby, unkempt, unneat, unsightly, untidy, well-fed