List of blue book synonyms and blue book related words.
Almanach de Gotha, Congressional Record, Hansard, Red Book, Royal Kalendar, Social Register, account, acquaintance, announcement, audition, briefing, bulletin, communication, communique, data, datum, directory, dispatch, enlightenment, evidence, exam, examen, examination, facts, factual information, familiarization, final, final examination, gazette, gen, genealogy, general information, great go, green book, guidebook, handout, hard information, hearing, honors, incidental information, info, information, instruction, intelligence, knowledge, light, mention, message, midsemester, midterm, notice, notification, official journal, oral, oral examination, pedigree, prelim, presentation, promotional material, proof, publication, publicity, quiz, release, report, sidelight, state paper, statement, studbook, take-home examination, test, the dope, the goods, the know, the scoop, transmission, trial, tripos, viva, white book, white paper, word, written, written examination, yellow book