List of bony synonyms and bony related words.
angular, bone, cement, cemental, concrete, corneous, dense, diamondlike, dure, flat, flat-chested, fleshless, flintlike, flinty, gangling, gangly, gaunt, gawky, granitelike, granitic, hard, hard as nails, hardhearted, horny, iron-hard, ironlike, lank, lanky, lapideous, lean, lean-fleshed, lean-looking, lithoid, lithoidal, marble, marblelike, meager, obdurate, osseous, ossicular, ossiferous, ossified, osteal, rawboned, resistant, resistive, rocklike, rocky, scraggy, scrawny, skeletal, skinny, solid, spare, spidery, spindling, spindly, steellike, steely, stonelike, stony, thin-bellied, thin-fleshed, tough, twiggy, undersized, underweight