List of botany synonyms and botany related words.
aerobiology, agrobiology, amnion, anatomy, astrobiology, bacteriology, biochemics, biochemistry, biochemy, bioecology, biological science, biology, biometrics, biometry, bionics, bionomics, biophysics, bladder, bleb, blister, boll, calyx, capsule, cell, cell physiology, cryobiology, cybernetics, cyst, cytology, ecology, electrobiology, embryology, enzymology, ethnobiology, exobiology, fistula, flora, flowerage, follicle, gallbladder, genetics, gnotobiotics, greenery, greens, herbage, legume, life science, loculus, marsupium, microbiology, molecular biology, pericarp, pharmacology, physiology, plant kingdom, plant life, plants, pocket, pod, radiobiology, sac, saccule, sacculus, saccus, scrotum, seedcase, silique, sinus, sound, stomach, taxonomy, udder, vasculum, vegetable kingdom, vegetable life, vegetation, vegetation spirit, ventricle, verdure, vesica, vesicle, virology, xenobiology, zoology