List of boyish synonyms and boyish related words.
adolescent, airy, attenuate, attenuated, beardless, boylike, calflike, childish, childlike, coltish, delicate, diaphanous, diluted, ethereal, fine, fine-drawn, finespun, flimsy, frail, gauzy, girlish, girllike, gossamer, gracile, immature, insubstantial, juvenile, kiddish, lacy, light, maiden, maidenly, misty, papery, puerile, puplike, puppyish, puppylike, rare, rarefied, slender, slenderish, slight, slight-made, slim, slimmish, slinky, small, subtle, svelte, sylphlike, tenuous, thin, thin-bodied, thin-set, thin-spun, thinnish, threadlike, vague, wasp-waisted, watered, watered-down, watery, weak, willowy, wiredrawn, wispy, young, youthful