List of bran synonyms and bran related words.
air pollution, attritus, bark, barley, bird seed, capsule, case, cat food, chaff, chicken feed, chop, corn, corn shuck, cornhusk, cosmic dust, crumb, crumble, dog food, dust, dust ball, eatage, efflorescence, ensilage, fallout, farina, feed, filings, flour, fodder, forage, grain, grits, groats, hay, hull, husk, jacket, kittens, lint, mash, meal, oats, palea, pasturage, pasture, peel, pet food, pod, powder, provender, pussies, raspings, rind, sawdust, scratch, scratch feed, shell, shuck, silage, skin, slops, smut, soot, straw, swill, wheat