List of branching synonyms and branching related words.
V-shaped, Y-shaped, arboreal, arborescence, arborescent, arboriform, arborization, bifidity, biforked, biforking, bifurcate, bifurcated, bifurcation, bipartition, bisected, bisection, bowery, branched, branching off, branchlike, branchy, by two, cleft, cloven, crotched, cutting in two, dendriform, dendritic, dichotomous, dichotomy, dimidiate, dimidiation, divarication, divided, division, foliaged, foliate, foliated, foliose, forked, forking, forklike, furcate, furcation, halved, halving, in half, leafy, leaved, leavy, pronged, ramate, ramification, ramified, ramose, ramous, riven, split, subdivision, tree-shaped, treelike, treelikeness, tridentlike, trifurcate, trifurcated, trifurcation, twiggy